Garden Plans > 2021: Tristan Southern Final Plan

About this Garden Plan

2021 Home Garden Plan/ 2022 Cover Crop Mix

Plan Type, Soil and Location

Garden Location: United States
Garden Size: 24' 0" x 8' 5"
Garden Type: Backyard / back garden
Garden Layout: Traditional layout - rows etc
Sun or Shade: Sunny
Garden Soil Type: Heavy / Clay soil

Plan Notes

Garden Plan

Plant List

 PlantNumberSpacingSpacing in RowsNotes
Arugula 611"7" x 11"Light Feeder: Will Succession plant to continual harvest. Will replace in September with a cover crop like Oats, Vetch and Rye combination for our heavily depleted soil.
Basil 111"11" x 11"Keep side open for path to melons and cucumbers In Pots: new soil, keep moist to keep microbes alive over winter. Try placing a few Red Wigglers inside to fertilize.
Beans (Pole)
 Climbing French Organic
229"5" x 1' 1"Heavy Giver: Bed will be open in Winter, May cover the whole bed in a cover crop with nitrogen fixing properties as the soil has been depleted from previous owners only growing tomatoes for years.
Cabbage (Summer Red)
 Red Express
41' 7"1' 5" x 1' 9"Heavy Feeder: Will need to Cover Crop in the winter with a legume, most everything is a heavy feeder so Rye, Oats, or Hairy Vetch will be used to replenish the soil over the winter and mowed down in early Spring.
423"3" x 5"Light Feeder: Succession planted for harvest until October. Can Follow with a Cover Crop as soil is heavily depleted from previous owners. Hairy Vetch, Oats, or Winter Rye.
Chili Pepper
 Mucho Nacho Hybrid
41' 1"11" x 1' 3"Heavy Feeder: Will need to follow with a legume cover crop this is where the most tomatoes were grown by previous owners. Not expecting large harvest. Will use Oats, Clover, Winter Rye, or Hairy Vetch.
37"5" x 9"Keep side open for path to Cucumbers and Melons In Pots: new soil, keep moist to keep microbes alive over winter. Try placing a few Red Wigglers inside to fertilize
Cover Crop
 Winter Rye/Hairy Vetch Mix
4325"3" x 7"Will Plant in Early November or Late October Depending on how the garden is looking, a 50/50 mix of Vetch and Rye. It will be mowed down in Early March or Late February depending on if it has started to flower
Cucumber 11' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"Keep enough space to allow access to Melons In Pots with trellis to prevent takeover: Heavy Feeder: New soil, keep moist and indoors to keep microbes alive over winter. Try placing a few Red Wigglers inside to fertilize.
Dill 27"5" x 9"Will need to keep side open for Cucumbers and Melons In Pots: Rotate to strawberry trough, amend soil with Worm Castings or Organic Matter
 Dwarf Blue Curled Scotch
41' 3"1' 1" x 1' 5"Heavy Feeder: Will need to follow with cover crop with nitrogen fixing properties. Hairy Vetch, Oats, or a Winter Rye will be used.
Lemon Balm
 Lemon Balm
11' 11"1' 11" x 1' 11"In Pot: In Pots: 1 year old soil, basil grown in last year. Will need replenished with Blood Meal, Worm Castings, or Organic Matter. Might bring inside and try to put some Red Wigglers inside to eat the roots.
Marigold 397"7" x 7"Light feeder: Bed will be open in Winter, May cover the whole bed in a cover crop with nitrogen fixing properties as the soil has been depleted from previous owners only growing tomatoes for years
12' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11"Heavy Feeder: Will need to follow with a winter Cover Crop like Oats, Rye, or Hairy Vetch or a combo of all three. Oats will act as mulch while the Rye and Vetch overwinter
3603"3" x 3"Will Plant in Early November or Mid October as the crops transition out of the bed, cold will kill it so it will act as a mulch for the Vetch and Rye. What isn't killed by the cold will be mowed down several times in Late February or Early March.
 Greek Oregano
27"5" x 9"Will need to keep side path open for access to Cucumbers and melons In Pots: 3 year old soil. Will need replenished with Blood Meal, Worm Castings, or Organic Matter
Peas 333"3" x 7"Heavy Giver: Bed will be open in Winter, May cover the whole bed in a cover crop with nitrogen fixing properties as the soil has been depleted from previous owners only growing tomatoes for years
 Sugar Snap (OG)
333"3" x 7"Heavy Giver: Bed will be open in Winter, May cover the whole bed in a cover crop with nitrogen fixing properties as the soil has been depleted from previous owners only growing tomatoes for years
 Sweet Gourmet Rainbow Mix
81' 1"11" x 1' 3"Heavy Feeder: Will need to follow with a legume cover crop this is where the most tomatoes were grown by previous owners. Not expecting large harvest. Will use Oats, Clover, Winter Rye, or Hairy Vetch.
Spinach 137"5" x 11"Heavy Feeder: Succession planted for continual harvest. Planning on using as cut and come again salads. Will need to Follow with a winter cover crop probably Hairy Vetch, Oats, and Rye to fix heavily depleted soil, and amend with compost in the Spring.
Squash (Winter)
12' 11"2' 11" x 2' 11"Heavy Feeder: Will need to cover crop to fix nitrogen deficient soil and lay down compost next year. Will use Winter Rye, Vetch, or Oats as cover crop.
Strawberry 31' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"In Pots: Heavy Feeder, will need replenished or rotated to Dill Pot. Amend with Worm Castings or organic matter
 Black Mammoth
1211"11" x 11"Heavy Feeder: Planted as a barrier to stop neighbors from seeing into our yard. Will deplete soil so need to follow with Fall Cover Crop like Oats, Rye, or Hairy Vetch.
Tomato (Large)
 Black Krim
21' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Heavy Feeder: Tomatoes are in pots to prevent taking over beds. Area will be open in Fall, follow with winter cover crop like Oats, Winter Rye, or Hairy Vetch
Tomato (Small)
 Cherry Roma
21' 7"1' 5" x 1' 11"Heavy Feeder: Tomatoes are in pots to prevent taking over beds. Area will be open in Fall, follow with winter cover crop like Oats, Winter Rye, or Hairy Vetch

Planting Times

Plant List key
Beans (Pole)
 Climbing French Organic
Cabbage (Summer Red)
 Red Express
Chili Pepper
 Mucho Nacho Hybrid
Cover Crop
 Winter Rye/Hairy Vetch Mix
 Dwarf Blue Curled Scotch
Lemon Balm
 Lemon Balm
 Greek Oregano
 Sugar Snap (OG)
 Sweet Gourmet Rainbow Mix
Squash (Winter)
 Black Mammoth
Tomato (Large)
 Black Krim
Tomato (Small)
 Cherry Roma